Strange foreign land
Suddenly had the urge to blog. Been like er..2 months since i got here in newcastle?touched down on the 23 of Sept and have to admid, the 1st impression was good. By the 3rd day ive already got stalked..and harrassed. I've been trying not to think so much of whats bad here and how im treated at times, but it seem harder then it is. My friend Ben seem to have ok housemates but why do i have 2 bitches from brit that backstab is not considerate. Knowing that they people here love to make noise and get themseld pissed all the time but knocking the door as well???
Studies aren't going too fine..actually not fine at all as i got no idea whats happening till now. Ive done my assignments but thank god with some help from my friends i could do it. Lindy and Calvin have been helping quite abit since those days in taylors. Really do appreciate what they did. I think the thing i learn the most here is how to be more independant rather then what is going on in the IT world. I guess i should be thankful enough to have a chinese supervisor that leads and guides me for my thesis and 2 friends that would help me in my studies. What more can i ask?well...alot more..i feel freaking alone. I stay far from the city, unless i take the train up with some malaysian hypocrite. Which isnt a big deal, got a new guitar which i play till my fingers hurt. Hopefully i would be able to get a nite job when i get back to kl. Would be fun to have lil shows in the cafe, i guess.
I've not done the damn website for aunts pie shop as well..shit. I wonder what will she say to me when i get back. Should try to start work on it as soon as i have time to spare. Felt so much like going back this xmas...really dont wanna stay here. Its gonna be so alone here...and when it snows...yes its gonna be nice...but sulking in the room all day something ive been doing in kl all the time. Due to my tight budget and abit of over spending i now have to tighten up my spendings even more. I think from a brief read through of what ive said, it comes to a conclusion that no matter how sucky malaysia can be...theres no place like home. Maybe cos im brought up there and im used to everything there, and im new its like i cant addapt or something? Knowing myself that i tend to ignore what ever that i dont like...having to see people faces when they look at me really makes me uncomfortable. Not to mention having to walk in 4 supermakets to do my grocery shopping. Dont british goverment know how to control prices of items? Really makes me wonder how are they so much more better then Malaysia as they close the shops by 12 the pubs close?and some people are so freaking on earth they actually kept up with the world..whos been working in the background. oh yea..drinking alchohol from day to night and getting drunk before 10pm...thats productive...must be REAL stressful huh?
I guess my complaints are not gonna do me any good if i do not learn to accept and move on. And so i shall...shall monitor my success in adapting into this world through my blog.
Pics of my new baby...

Pics of me in Edinbrugh which i only have a few at this moment.

Hari Raya dinner with the malaysians here in Newcastle tray..and a gal...

havent had all the pictures sent to me..maybe ill post them later or something..
signing off.
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