silent treatment
The worst torture isnt pain, atleast in pain there will be a point where you will faint or die, but mental torture by silence is definately a killer. You start thinking of nonsense, hallusinating and then at the end of the day some head damage or something.
Life isnt getting any easier in a foreign country the pressure so building up so much that im starting to lose myself even faster. Im not the same cool person who handles things easily here. Im like a headless chicken running around. I really want to go back home. I wan my dogs company, hes the only thing that keep me company, as much as a person can promise me something they can never keep it. Situation change...promises change as well. No matter how i scold or beat my dog, at the end of the day he will return to me.
A butterfly seem to have an easy life..beautiful to some...but what they have been through isnt a caterpillar they are ugly and fat...and some say disgusting. Later in life they are beautiful with bright colors and but with all gods creation no gift comes without a price. They have short lives and are only able to enjoy their beauty for a while. I was told i was nice and hard to find..and prolly unique. But like all gods creation..when i find something wont last. The more beautiful it is...the shorter time i get to spend with it. Which reminds me of march 18....a rare gift was found..and sad to say it only lasted 2 days. Pretty much like a butterfly.

Life is sure like a butterfly...
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