Its really becoming of blogging only when im down and alone and have no one to turn to. Then again when was the last time i had someone to turn to? Really dont like this feeling...im suppose to be reading up on C programming to start doing my thesis...but i really dont have the mood to do so. Im starting to wonder why is it so hard to live alone in a secluded world. It use to be darn easy...why is it getting so much harder as i grow older...time seem to pass alot faster these day but still the is a time for being all alone and all sorts of nonsense seem to hit you in your mind. Thinking back of my dog Junior back home and the dogs that ive met here in uk...it makes me miss my dog presense even more...the stupid ass would bark for attention and then show you his dumb face asking you to play with him or at times mocking you with his ass.
Been trying to work on my thesis but my mind is just so not set for it. I cant think of what to do nor where to start. Theres so much to do any i dont have a direction of where to begin and where to head...pretty much like my life i guess.
old cute doggie outside of the supermarket...

I really wonder how do dogs see the world...what do they see or what do they feel? Really makes me wonder...
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